Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Link to my Ning: http://futureeducator.ning.com/

Ning is an excellent way to stay connected with other professionals in your field! It is not only a social network, but it is a social network that deals with others in your profession allowing you to share ideas and solutions to problems. On Ning you can blog, chat, share videos and photos, post events, and join groups of similar interests. Using this in the classroom would be simple. First if you got the teachers in your facility to join a network it would be an easy way to stay connected all day without having to leave class unattended. Other ways would be sharing information about a certain subject, a good way to keep everyone in the building on the same page! A school is more functional when everyone is on the same page...so let's get on that :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

RESP 2- 10 tips...



These are all helpful tools, and I like how they are geared more towards interaction with other teachers and not just students. As a future teacher, I know that numbers 4 (ask alto of questions) ,5 (enlist your PLN), and 9 (observe your colleagues) will be something that I will do on a daily basis mostly because I sometimes struggle with using technology in college, so I can only imagine what it will be like when I am a teacher! Number 10 (don't touch the mouse) will be hard for me just because there are things I know how to do and do well that when and explanation isn't going as I had hoped I tend to resort to hand over hand. You make a good point that people learn by "mousing". When I look back at previous computer courses, I learned alot just from clicking a mouse.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blog #1-Online Learning

This is my second online class, so the routine is nothing new to me! Only this one requires alot more work and time than my other one; WRT 305! I like that I am able to respond whenever I want and at my own pace...thats how I like to learn. I like the class discussions and how in depth they can get. It gives me new perspectives to think about and reflect on.

Unfortunately though, I wish that sometimes this class would be taught in a classroom so that any questions I have can be answered right away while I'm there and the idea is fresh in my mind. I am not a "computer savvy" person and sometimes struggle with certain things. It is difficult sometimes to remember where to pick up after a day of waiting for a reply.

Another thing about this class are the class discussions. If i could change one thing it would be how the discussions are set up. Instead of replying 18 hrs. between posts I would make it so that the student had to reply to another persons post, or at least 2 peoples posts at least 2 different times. I feel like when some people come back to re-post they are just posting something different and maybe sometimes does not quite fit with what was being posted previously. This happened alot in my other online class as well.

I would definitly take another online class! I think they are great and I like not having to spend a fortune on books and waste a ton of paper taking notes! Plus its nice to sit at home and know im accomplishing a days work of class :)